Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Our room at the hostel

We're moving out the hostel into a shared house in a few days. This is a mural on the walls of the room we've been living in, it's like a crazy alien landscape.

(Please ignore the unmade bed.)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Last day of Winterlude

We crossed the bridge to Gatineau to see the Winterlude stuff there.

Bobsleigh snow sculpture, and Lucy's new haircut.

Ice slides, these were wicked and really slick and fast.

More carving in snow banks, and volleyball.

Ice Hockey carving.

Mush! There were huskie rides, and also ice fishing in the river.

Me on an ice slide. It was great fun but I don't have snow pants so got quite wet.

Back in Ottawa, people skating on the canal, the 'Worlds Longest Ice Rink'.

More new haircut, and more canal

We walked on the canal ice later at night.

More buildings

Some more interesting architecture from around the city.

A government building near where I work.


Silver spires.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Ice Sculptures at night

We walked through the Ice Sculpture exhibition at night when the coloured lights look cool. It's the Winterlude festival at the mo which means there's a few things like this on. Across the river in Gatineau there is a snow sculpture exhibition we hope to see soon.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Ice Sculpture Competition

Ottawa Misc.

This memorial is really cool. The fire sits on top of the water, it looks amazing. I think it's done with gas as it smells of gas round there.

Below, some more buildings we thought looked interesting from around the city. Ottawa has the same 'Old buildings scattered between lots of modern buildings' thing that London has.