Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Cave and Basin
We walked along the river to the Banff Cave and Basin today. It's another site where the hot water comes out of Sulphur Mountain.
This is the river right by our flat, it's started to freeze over on each side.

It's nice walking through the snow, all crunchy underfoot.
The site has lots of points where the hot water comes out of the ground. Due to the sulphur it absolutely stinks, a bit like rotten eggs.
More stinky water. There's an endangered snail that exists only in these conditions, so you're not allowed to touch the water or surrounding greenery.

There's a building that contains pools that fill with the mountain water. The pools are empty at the moment, til the winter season starts. We didn't get to go down into the cave underneath, but hope to soon.
Lucy throwing a snowball from the top of the building.
There are lots of wooden boardwalks around, going up the mountain to the start of the springs, and down to the river. The steam from the water melts the snow in some places.
Sniffing some sulphur. It was really strong the further up you went.
The water was really green, and bubbled with gas.
People used to swim in the pools, really gross. And in the early 1900's a company bottled the water and sold it as a cure for all sorts of ailments. It has slightly radioactive properties.
At the end of one of the boardwalks is a box for nature watching. Although we think most of the wildlife is somewhere warmer at the moment.

A big snow ploughing truck we saw on the way back to town.