Wednesday 4 August 2010

Crossing into 'Merica part II.

Lucy standing on the border line of Canada and the USA.

It's all behind this door, which seemed funny.

Looking over the Bridal Veil Falls, a little one next to the big US Falls.

We went on the Cave of the Winds walk on Goat Island.

Our regulation footwear (we got to keep these afterwards, whoop!)

The route is down an elevator, then along a sequence of wooden decks up the side of the American falls.

You could reach out and touch the water in a few places, and got hit by rushing water quite a bit. It was a really hot day so felt lovely.

The Maid in the Mist viewed from the base of the falls.

The deck was held in place by a mish-mash of bits of wood resting on various rocks in the water. They build the decks every spring, and take them down before the winter each year as they aren't built for the cold.

A quieter offshoot of the waterfall.

Water spills over the decks in several places. You can stand here and get quite wet.

The hurricane deck took you closest to the waterfall. It was like being in a heavy, windy shower, we were properly soaked but it's loads of fun.

The two falls from the Rainbow Bridge.

Back in the dry, having delicious Twinkies.

We had to remove our Do Rags before going in here, which was a shame.