Sunday 30 May 2010

BBQ at Angela and Charlie's.

Charlie making blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Out in the garden for a bbq. Coco, Angela and Leni.

Dancing in the sunsine.

Marty sporting Wolverine chops.

Mojo loving stinky feet.

Tons of tasty food and barbecued meat and fish.

James and Coco salsa dancing.

The next morning, another delicious breakfast. Bubble and squeak and potato pancakes and bacon and eggs. We ate really well this weekend!

Saturday 22 May 2010

In Toronto for Victoria Day weekend.

We've come down to Toronto for the long weekend, to see Angela, Charlie and Leni.

Shoe shopping with Leni.

At Charlie's Adobo Cafe.

Mojo in a twisty position.

Dinner time at home.

WWE Smackdown

We went to see the wrestling being filmed at Scotiabank Place. They filmed 3 shows, so lots to see.

NXT, a 1 hour show. The arena is smaller than when we saw it in Toronto, so we were a bit closer.

Changing the ring aprons and ropes between shows.

Filming for Superstars.

Filming Smackdown, the main show.

Mexican wrestler Rey Mysterio, with pyrotechnics.

The massive Big Show.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Chinatown Park and Bubble Tea.

Bubble Tea in the park. We got it from a cafe in Chinatown that feels like you're sitting in someones house.

Tour boats on the river.

Drummers in the park. Some mornings you see a group of older people doing Tai Chi there too.

Going for all-you-can-eat sushi with friends from the hostel we used to stay at.

Friday 7 May 2010

Ottawa misc.

A few more piccies from around Ottawa. The weather's been mostly nice so it's nice to walk around.

Down by the lock, which is down behind Parliament Hill.

There was a man with a few parrots outside the mall, getting people to hold them.

Some cats relaxing at Cat Parliament. Also, a raccoon, which was bothering the cats a bit.

People donate money for the cats medical care, so they are all kept healthy. This cat had a shaved patch on it's leg from a recent visit to the vet.

The raccoon was picking food up to eat rather than putting it's face into the bowl.

There's a house down the road with loads of shoes over the telephone lines outside.

Lucy went back to Dows Lake. There are more flowers out.