We went to Calgary for the day. Angela bought me tickets to a gig at the Uni there for my birthday.
Banff Coach Terminal is the same place as the Railway Terminal. This angry one-armed robot told us to stop.
Calgary is a bit of a strange place. I'd been excited to go there as we'd heard it was like a scaled-down Toronto, but to be honest it was a bit of a disappointment. I don't know if it was just the way we walked through the city, but it was tons and tons of office blocks and car parks, and no shops.
The city centre was smaller than Oxford, with much less to see and do. As it's known for it's farming and horses and stuff, I wonder if it's more interesting outside of the city.
In contrast the Uni campus was brilliant - really big and really well equipped with shops and places to eat. I imagine the student's there don't really leave the campus. The building above is MacEwan Hall, where the gig was.
Sonata Arctica were brilliant! They've been my favourite band for a few years now, so it was amazing to see them live at last.

Dragonforce, who headlined, were awesome also. We've seen them once before in Oxford and loved it. They played a slightly different set tonight.

Dave Macintosh's mighty drum kit.
The keyboardists from Dragonforce and Sonata Arctica had a super fast, power metal keytar duel, it was wicked.

Dragonforce, who headlined, were awesome also. We've seen them once before in Oxford and loved it. They played a slightly different set tonight.