We arrived in the dark the previous night, so the next morning got a proper view the wood. The cottage we stayed in was on the left, with an old (almost certainly haunted) unused house on the right. The land belongs to Etienne and his family, and is a whopping 225 acres of woodland and lake front.
Morning sun.
Benoit getting water from the well. The cottage runs on gas and a generator, and has an outhouse toilet.
Arriving at the lake.
Amelie, me and Lucy.
Playing frisbee.

Lucy and me in a peddle boat.
They had made a bunch of wooden spears at the cottage, we threw them around that night.
Eating another great dinner. Cordelia, Etienne and Cyrille.
Sitting round the fire pit after dinner.
Jon "2 Beers" Goodall. Jon seems to collect names, and so far has been called Shaun, Griffin, Big Chief and Weeny Jack Swagger amongst other things.
Cyrille and Benoit brought some cool fireworks.
Toasting marshmallows.
Group shot: Benoit, Carlo, Cordelia, Jane, Jon, Amelie, Cyrille, Lucy and Me (Etienne is taking the photo).