Tunnel Mountain is the mountain our hostel is on. We went on a walk down Tunnel Mountain Drive to town, there are some brilliant views from along the road.

Here's a boring fact I found interesting: It's called Tunnel Mountain, but it doesn't actually have a tunnel running through it. When putting in the rail road they surveyed the area and planned a tunnel. A second survey showed they didn't need one and could go round the mountain, but the name stuck anyway.

When you said you were going job hunting...
We saw this deer (or elk?) when we walked through the Banff Centre grounds. It's a big artist's retreat place. The deer wasn't scared of us at all.
Named after the guy from X-Men (possibly).

The hostel is next to a big campsite, also with some good views of the mountains.

Here's more of the river that runs through town. These show a bit more the weird colour of the water.

Someone's Harley. There's a few of these about, same as Niagara, they seem to be associated with holiday seasons and destinations.